Monday, May 11, 2009

Deduction & Induction
Deductive and Inductive Thinking
In logic, we often refer to the two broad methods of reasoning as the deductive and inductive approaches.

Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach.

We might begin with thinking up a theory about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further when we collect observations to address the hypotheses. This ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data - a confirmation (or not) of our original theories.

Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. Informally, we sometimes call this a "bottom up" approach (please note that it's "bottom up" and not "bottoms up" which is the kind of thing the bartender says to customers when he's trying to close for the night!).

In inductive reasoning, we begin with specific observations and measures, begin to detect patterns and regularities, formulate some tentative hypotheses that we can explore, and finally end up developing some general conclusions or theories.

These two methods of reasoning have a very different "feel" to them when you're conducting research.

Inductive reasoning, by its very nature, is more open-ended and exploratory, especially at the beginning.

Deductive reasoning is more narrow in nature and is concerned with testing or confirming hypotheses. Even though a particular study may look like it's purely deductive (e.g., an experiment designed to test the hypothesized effects of some treatment on some outcome), most social research involves both inductive and deductive reasoning processes at some time in the project.



Im grateful mwalimu to have u in this course,but mh these thibgs are abit comfusing mh!can we really make it?

Nassor said...

u will be just fine, just exercise more! ok?

ngozingozimatrida said...

thanks doctor for your concern, i real apriciate it, the notes are clear and well understood,but i dont see other things like examples which you gave us during lecture tinme.......
thanks and be blessed sir.

Unknown said...

mwalimu for the case of deductive and inductive it little bit complicated especially in analyze the i dont want to image the final exam.but at least ukisoma this notes you get an idea

Unknown said...

i agree much on deductive theory because it a bit easy to understand than indeductive because you may end up confuse because of some arrengement of it and what i can now say about these agrument is to think clear because sometime you may find a general idea at the middle sentence.

maria said...

Hi guys on the blog.

the notes an inductive and deductive thinking are just great, but i think, the deductive way of thinking is rather easy to grasp its meaning, since what you put is what you get, meaning that the conclussions are beaing drived form the premises.

Thanks os much for the notes, keep it up and Good bess you.

violeth said...

thanx alot sir for materials through this blog,i have gained much than i do in normal class leson.through this notes i have understood that deductive arguement can be easily recognised due to the reality that the concluion is directly drived from the premises.
nay God bless you sir

mariagoreth said...

1. some skeptics walk through walls.
2. no diaper wearers are intolerant.
3.some songs by metalof are modern.
4. teachers are old birds.
6. some dangerous things are made of paper.
7. blue rinsed ladies are elderly.
8. some things that do not eat sushi are hungry.
9. some expensive things reeks badly.
10.some thing seen on yonge street are caterpillars. purple things are juicy.
12.some things with shiny halo are in hell.
13.all coveted by big bad wolves are healthful snacks.
14.some wolves have a very big noses.
15.all who are marginalized as unpaid workers are Cinderella.
some things that smell badly are frogs.
16.the jolly green giant is not bothered by peas. hares are tortoise.

Unknown said...

thanks very much for notes.its real good and blassed.